Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Format Paragraph

 In Microsoft word we have many formatting options to format a paragraph.In paragraph we can format spacing, font, indentation, first letter.

1) Click in the paragraph to be formatted. On the Home tab, click the Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher.
2) In the Indentation section, type 0.5" in the Left and Right boxes.

3) In the Spacing section, in the Line spacing list, click Single.Click OK.
4) Right-click in the paragraph after selecting it, point to Styles, and then click Save Selection as a New Quick Style.

5) In the Name box, type a name for the style, such as Block quote. If we want the style to be included in the gallery of styles on the Home tab, and if we want the style to be a linked style, click OK.
6) If we don't want the style to be included in the gallery, or if we want the style to be either a paragraph or a character style, click Modify and do one or both of the following:
  • At the bottom of the dialog box, clear the Add to Quick Style list box.
  • In the Style type list, click Paragraph or Character.


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